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'; //Script to make the cheeseboard work $(document).ready(function () { var itemsToLoad = new Array(); var priorityArray = new Array(); var sliding = false; //Load the speakers loadSet(speakerList); function loadSet(xml) { $(xml).find('span').each(function(i) { itemsToLoad[i] = new Array(); itemsToLoad[i][0] = $(this).attr('firstname'); itemsToLoad[i][1] = $(this).attr('lastname'); itemsToLoad[i][2] = $(this).attr('org'); itemsToLoad[i][3] = $(this).attr('img'); itemsToLoad[i][4] = $(this).attr('url'); itemsToLoad[i][5] = $(this).attr('priority'); itemsToLoad[i][6] = false; //Set to true when the image is loaded }); //Put the priority speakers in a separate array for (var i = 0; i 0) { var speakerCol = '
'; if (itemsToLoad.length > 3) { speakerCol += '
'; } $('#speakers').append(speakerCol); } //Create and display the containers for each speaker for (var i = 0; i
'); $('#speaker_col > .speaker_set').append(speaker); } //Load the first set of speaker photos loadImage(0, 5); //loadImage(0, itemsToLoad.length); if (itemsToLoad.length > 3) { startSlider(); } } function startSlider() { $('#speakers').each(function () { var toSlide = $('#speaker_col > .speaker_set'); var speakerHeight = toSlide.innerHeight() - $('#speaker_col').outerHeight(); var slider = $('#speaker_slider > .handle'); var sliderHeight = $('#speaker_slider').outerHeight() - slider.outerHeight(); var sliderOffset = $('#speaker_slider').offset(); var slideRatio = speakerHeight / sliderHeight; var handle = $('#speaker_slider > .handle').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); handle.draggable({ axis: 'y', containment: 'parent', drag: function(event, ui) { var p = * slideRatio; toSlide.css({top: '-' + p + 'px'}); }, stop: function(event, ui) { var p = * slideRatio; toSlide.animate({top: '-' + p + 'px'}, 100); } }); $('#speaker_slider').mousedown(function(e) { var p = e.clientY - - (handle.height() / 2); if (p sliderHeight) { handle.animate( { top: sliderHeight + 'px' }, { queue:false, duration:100, easing:'swing' } ); toSlide.animate({top: '-' + (sliderHeight * slideRatio) + 'px'}, { queue:false, duration:100, easing:'swing' } ); } else { handle.animate( { top: e.clientY - - (handle.height() / 2) + 'px' }, { queue:false, duration:100, easing:'swing' } ); toSlide.animate({top: '-' + (e.clientY - - (handle.height() / 2)) * slideRatio + 'px'}, { queue:false, duration:100, easing:'swing' } ); } }); }); } function loadImage(curImage, lastImage) { if (curImage ').attr('href', itemsToLoad[curImage][4]); var fadeBlock = $('').attr('class', 'fade'); var photoBlock = $('').attr('class', 'photo'); var borderBlock = $('').attr('class', 'border'); var textBlock = $('').attr('class', 'text'); $('#speaker' + curImage).append(aBlock); $('#speaker' + curImage + '> a').append(fadeBlock); $('#speaker' + curImage + '> a > .fade').append(borderBlock); $('#speaker' + curImage + '> a').append(textBlock); $('#speaker' + curImage + '> a > .text').append("" + itemsToLoad[curImage][0] + " " + itemsToLoad[curImage][1] + "
" + itemsToLoad[curImage][2]); $('#speaker' + curImage + '> a > .fade .border').append(photoBlock); $('#speaker' + curImage + '> a > .fade .photo').css('backgroundImage', 'url(' + itemsToLoad[curImage][3] + ')'); itemsToLoad[curImage][6] = true; $('#speaker' + curImage + '> a').hover(function() { $(this).find('.photo').stop(true, false); $(this).find('.photo').fadeTo(350, .85); }, function() { $(this).find('.photo').stop(true, false); $(this).find('.photo').fadeTo(400, 1); }); // once the current loaded, trigger the next image loadImage(curImage + 1, lastImage); }).error(function () { // on error remove current $('#speaker' + curImage).remove(); itemsToLoad[curImage][6] = true; // trigger the next image loadImage(curImage + 1, lastImage); }).attr({ src: itemsToLoad[curImage][3], alt: itemsToLoad[curImage][0] + " " + itemsToLoad[curImage][1] }); } else { loadImage(curImage + 1, lastImage); } } } else { if (lastImage + 5 /* ]]> */

"A who's who of location-aware players." Michael Calore, webmonkey

"Where 2.0 did a superb job of gathering the major parties to the table to discuss mobile-social-mapping." Joe Francica, Directions Magazine

"I would say Where 2.0 trumps SXSW and deserves some much needed contemplation." Ian Stinson, Geo Local Road Map

"So this year's Where 2.0 in a sentence: location technology can help people have fun, and it can also just plain help people. Good news all around." Paul Ramsey, OpenGeo

"Where 2.0 is THE event for location based services and with the evolution of Maps, the perfect place to talk about what's new and exciting." JBC, Nokia Conversations

"A hotspot of creative thinking and investigation into what's possible in terms of location-based services today, and what's just around the corner." Mike Cooper, Nokia

"The presentations from the Where 2.0 conference always blow me away." Andrew Crook, GIS and Agent-based Modeling

"Where 2.0 was tremendous." Gregory Dicum, freelance journalist

"[Where 2.0 2008] was a great conference, an excellent set of speakers and a wonderful opportunity to learn and network." Frank San Miguel, Founder,

"Where 2.0 was the most interesting and provocative conference I have ever attended" —John Frank, Founder and CTO, MetaCarta, Inc.

"The Where 2.0 conference is probably one of the most important meetings of the year for developers of new Web 2.0 mapping technologies." Frank Taylor, Google Earth Blog

"I can't remember a conference I have attended in the past few years where there was just so much to take-in. [The next] Where 2.0…will be a show not to miss." Ed Parsons,

"Many companies are trying to position themselves as leaders in the geolocation field this week, which makes sense since the sure-to-be-fascinating Where 2.0 conference kicks off next week." Rafe Needleman, CNET

"[Where 2.0] presentations provided a stimulating combination of cartographic history, bleeding-edge technologies (many of them still under construction), and debate over how businesses can tap into the new excitement over consumer access to geo-referenced data on the Web." Wade Roush

"The Where 2.0 Conference is an excellent forum for the mapping community to discuss the future of mapping for businesses and consumers." Stephen Lawler, Microsoft MapPoint GM

"If you are in the web 2.0 mapping business, and the virtual globe business, I think this is probably one of the best conferences, if not the best, to attend." Frank Taylor, Google Earth Blog

Where 2.0 Is a Wrap

Save the date: Where 2.0 will be in San Francisco, April 2-4, 2012.

The Business of Location

Where is business: where people live, where they go, and where, when, and how they spend their money are now key factors in business success. From product development to distribution, marketing, and sales, location technologies help companies identify, understand, and serve their markets far more effectively than ever before.

The O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference explores the intersection of location technologies and trends in software development, business strategies, and marketing. The source for all things location-aware, Where 2.0 brings together CTOs, marketers, developers, technologists, researchers, geographers, startups, business developers, and entrepreneurs, to shed light on the issues surrounding:

Mobile Development - Mobile
Get a handle on the latest in mobile development and learn which technologies are proving to be the most efficient and flexible for creating cutting-edge, location-aware mobile apps. See schedule/session info

Location Development - Location
Find out who's developing the tools that make collecting, storing, retrieving, and analyzing huge amounts of data possible and learn how they do it. See schedule/session info

Strategy Business & Strategy
Learn how location data not only enables businesses large and small to build corporate strategies but also helps them to be far more nimble as customer attitudes and market conditions change and new opportunities emerge. See schedule/session info

Marketing Marketing
With advances in location technologies and the widespread use of mobile devices, marketers have new tools to identify, understand, and reach out to potential customers. Take a look at the companies making the best use of location data for optimized SEO, social networking, and customized advertising. See schedule/session info, including our new full-day Location Marketing Bootcamp

Sponsorship Opportunities

For information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at the conference, contact Yvonne Romaine at [email protected]

Download the Where 2.0 Sponsor/Exhibitor Prospectus

Contact Us

View a complete list of Where 2.0 contacts

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